Accreditation Procedure

The University applicants should apply to the EFMI board for Accrediting their programs. 

EFMI board initiates the process and requests AC2 committee to monitor procedures.

Applicants should prepare the following:

  1. Self-assessment report.
  2. Curriculum and Study guides in electronic form.
  3. To host the three members’ site visit panel, which acts as the evaluators of the program reporting to the AC2 committee.
  4. To arrange the hosting logistics. In case of a virtual visit, the process is rearranged, accordingly.

The site visit panel reports to the AC2 committee and the EFMI board endorses the decision of accreditation.

The duration of the EFMI Accreditation of the Programme is three (3) years from the time of the endorsement by the EFMI Board. A re-accreditation process is required at the end of this period.

The Accreditation is judged by a peer-review process. The Assessment consists of criteria, and for each criterion, there are several norms required to be met, therefore, facilitating the assessment to achieve high-quality educational programs in the field of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

For further information and for applying for the accreditation procedure, please contact the Chair of the AC2 Committee Professor John Mantas at the email address: john.mantas {at}