
National EFMI Member Society

Swiss Society for Medical Informatics


Christian Lovis

About the Member Society

Before February, 1985, the date of the creation of the Swiss Society for Medical Informatics (SSMI), most of the medical activities related to the application of computer sciences, were held within the Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering where, as expected, most of the professionals were engineers. The SSMI, on the contrary, has been set up and led, since its creation, by a majority of health-care professionals: physicians as well as nurses. Already from its first year the SSMI became a member of the Swiss Federation for Informatics, which regroups all the other Swiss informatics Societies being the Swiss national society and a member of IFIP.

Naturally, the SSMI became an IMIA and EFMI member, within the Swiss IFIP Chapter, and the former place of TC4 (Technical Committee 4) is held by the IMIA representative delegated by the SSMI. It follows that our IMIA national society is associated with all the other computer science activities handled by the IFIP special interest groups as well as its technical committees.

More information on the society and its various activities can be found on its website:http://www.sgmi-ssim.ch


For further information on the member society please visit their website using the link above.